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GBC libraryThe GBC library is open mainly before, during, and after Sunday School. It's also open sometimes during the Wednesday Service and during Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings.

We have an extensive, continually growing selection of books and videos for adults and children. Our spacious library provides a quiet place with seating areas to browse the materials.

All items may be checked out for up to one month, except for DVDs of new releases. Please return these within one week so others will have a chance to view them.

If you haven't been to the GBC library in a while, stop by and ask the librarian about what's new. If you haven't yet visited this valuable resource, come see all that's available to you in the GBC library!

Larinda Heslep

If you have a Christian book or DVD you would like to donate, please contact Larinda Heslep at the number listed in the church directory.